Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. ~Benjamin Franklin
Since personal evolution is most often a slow and gradual process, it can be difficult to recognize the scope of the changes taking place in our lives. Yet to continue to seek the path of growth and inquiry, it’s important that we regularly acknowledge our ongoing growth and the subtle transformation that has already occurred as a reminder of our capacity to change.
If we look closely at our lives, we may see that much of what brings us pleasure in the present is representative of the ambitions of our past that we worked so hard to attain — that aspects of the life we are living, however small, were once the subject of our dreams. Now those things are a reality, one we created through our diligence, passion and determination. Whether our progress is fast or slower than we had hoped, it’s a success to celebrate.
That said it is hard to step outside of ourselves and see the challenges that no longer exist because there are always one that still do! For me creating a list of the strengths, aptitudes, and inner qualities I now hold but once questioned has helped me see and accept that I am not the same person I was one year ago, five years ago, or 10 years ago. My level of self-awareness, willingness to speak my truth and trust in the unfolding nature of life was different even two months ago. Bit by bit we are all growing.
It took me a long time to understand that acknowledging growth is neither boastful nor immodest. Evolution is a natural fact of life and becomes a potent motivational force when celebrated. Knowing that we are brighter, stronger, and more grounded than we once were gives us the strength to look forward with confidence to the changes yet to come. And by acknowledging this growth, we continue to build a sturdy foundation upon which we can continue the process of transformation and self-betterment.
In the end, it’s not the size of the change that counts; What’s important is acknowledging that we are growing and creating our best life.