“Data submitted by this form will be used by Elemental Alchemy, LLC and no other entity or individual.”
Remember, this quiz is not intended to reinforce limitation with labels nor it is detailed enough to get a full, conclusive picture of your mind and body. It’s meant as a starting place for understanding how your unique physical, mental and emotional tendencies express themselves in the language of Ayurveda.
Have you ever wondered what actually accounts for differences in people? Why some people are hyperactive and fast-moving and others are steady and super-focused? Why some people can eat a five-course meal with ease and others can barely finish a fresh salad without belly pains? Genetics offers some insight, but what about the characteristics and idiosyncrasies that make every person unique?
Ayurveda answers these questions through the doshas, three energetic archetype govern our physical and mental processes, and accordingly, account for the differences in our nature. These doshas are dynamic and constantly change in response to the foods we eat, our emotions, the weather…essentially, all sensory inputs that feed our mind and body.